I bought French green lentils ($1.80/lb), orzo ($3/lb) and spelt berries ($1.80/lb). Often, bulk items go on some really good sales which makes for even more savings. At home, I also have split peas, rice, and dried beans in my pantry. I store my dry ingredients in mason jars, which are also cheap and are usually for sale at the same grocery store (in the baking section) you are buying your bulk food items in. Making dinners or lunch salads from dry ingredients is super easy by adding some seasonings/fresh herbs, vegetables, grilled meat or cheese. Not only is it more affordable to eat this way, it is very healthy. So, what did I eat this week? I made orzo pasta with fresh grilled asparagus (in season and on sale for $1.99/lb), caramelized onions and cubes of brie melted in. It was delicious and I had left overs the next day for lunch! Eating healthy and saving money couldn't feel any more rewarding!
Holy food-porn, Batman!