Earth Day is a little over a week away. Do you have plans to celebrate the Earth? I hope so. After all, it is something we should consider doing every day even if it means a little dedicated time outside on a walk or choosing to bike instead of drive. I think of Earth Day as a day of thanksgiving and reflection.
I depend so much on Earth's natural resources like clean air and water that I often take for granted the many benefits nature provides me including healthy forests that clean the air and filter water, wetlands that store water and prevent flooding, fertile soils that grow my food, insects that pollinate, oceans and rivers that provide healthy fish stocks, and the many beautiful features and landscapes that I love to visit. We are all integrally connected to the Earth - so much that each of us has a story in how we interact with it. How well do you know yours?
This Earth Day learn as much as you can about how you interact with our planet and celebrate its bounty. On Earth Day, I'm participating in a Picnic for the Planet at Pike Place Market with The Nature Conservancy of Washington to encourage sustainable food choices. From Pike Place Market all the way to Singapore and beyond, this is a global celebration of the planet we live on, the food it provides, and the people with whom we share it. I invite you to celebrate in the festivities. Join me and The Nature Conservancy at Pike Place Market for a picnic lunch on April 22nd or host your own picnic in your home town or at your favorite outdoor spot. It's easy and fun. Don't forget to tell your friends!
Happy Earth Day 2011!
You're Invited!
Picnic for the Planet at Pike Place Market!
Friday, April 22nd
Event begins at 11:30 am
Plan Your Own Picnic. It's Easy!
Round up some friends and
take the planet out to lunch!
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