The evil bushes have done it again! They grow all over the place, invading the world, but one month out of the year I will let them win the battle and that is in August. I've been checking in over the last couple of weeks and I would say right now is peak blackberry picking time. I decided, since they are free, delicious, in season, healthy, and free why not get a casserole dish or two from your pantry and set out to find some. Go forage your neighborhood.
I did this last week in West Seattle. Not knowing exactly where to go, I put some tupperware containers in my backpack, got on my bike and started riding. I rode past parks, and houses with big lots, and side streets but I found the best place of all was at elementary schools. The high schools were no good, elementary schools were where it was happening. So I got off my bike and picked and picked. Now, I didn't get a whole lot. I wouldn't say West Seattle is the best place in the world to pick blackberries, you can prove me wrong, but I got enough to make a lovely blackberry crisp. And just this last weekend, I spent a whole day at my Dad's house in Gig Harbor without a car. Gasp! So instead of dreaming of all the wonderful blackberry spots I could possibly drive to, I grabbed a casserole dish and my tennis shoes and headed right down the hill to my neighbor's house. He didn't mind, but he also didn't see me. This time I picked quite a few blackberries. Made another blackberry crisp and was even able to freeze several Ziplock bags full. With blackberries going for $3 to $4 a pint in stores, why not set some time aside and pick about $20 worth yourself and make a nice end of the summer treat that is enjoyed best this time of year.
I don't know about west Seattle, but definitely around the UW campus and the Burke Gilman trail north of the UW is a great place for blackberry picking. Also around this time of year the U-pick blueberry should start showing up. My cousins last year picked a lot for not too much cost. We're still working on what they brought over.