Friday, February 13, 2009

Victory Garden

I was visiting my Grandma this past summer who lives in St. John, a small wheat farming town in eastern Washington. Behind her house is a big garden and every year she plants herbs, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, and a wide variety of other produce. She could provide produce for the whole town in what essentially becomes a grocery store for the entire summer. This garden is her victory garden! During WW2, to help in the war effort, people across American began planting gardens to feed their families in an effort to reduce the pressure on the public food supply. People felt empowered by their contribution and were rewarded by the produce they grew. Gardens were planted in backyards and on rooftops in vacant lots and in place of lawns. As spring is approaching and more and more people today are thinking about eating local and organic foods, why not try creating a victory garden of your own?

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